Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Response to terror attacks

THE Army’s 3rd Division Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Unit (PNBK 3 Div) from Terendak Camp in Malacca demonstrated for their training on how to respond to biological and chemical attacks by terrorists.

The scenario of the 90-minute demonstration involved the aftermath of a series of explosions of chemical, biological and radioactive weapons at a busy cafeteria.

Protection gear: The army's Fire and Rescue Department personnel putting on clean-room suits.

The unit’s personnel were dressed in clean-room suits consisting of a main garment, face covers, thin cotton gloves, rubber gloves, plastic bags over normal work shoes, rubber boots and a plastic raincoat.

The main process involved cleansing of wounds, removal of contaminated garment and a body wash with cleansing agents before medical treatment was given.

Suspected contaminated vehicles were sprayed with chemicals followed by a thorough wash.

South-East Asia Regional Centre for Counter Terrorism (SEARCCT) director-general Zainol Abidin Omar said the demonstration provided an in-depth understanding on the best ways to deal with a surprise biological and chemical attack.

Thorough cleansing: A victim undergoing decontamination.

The army’s PNBK 3 Div was established in January 2007 based on the need to increase awareness on threats posed by biological, chemical or radiation contamination caused by a nuclear blast in times of peace.

Well enacted: Army personnel treating a victim of the chemical explosion.

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